
21 Day Program


Cultivate a meditate practice in just 21 days! 


Mind mastery, sacred symbols, and personal power.


We dive into different aspects of consciousness including sacred geometry, platonic solids, Metatron's cube, merkaba, Ho'oponono, traversing dimensions, and multidimensional ways to cope with depression and hopelessness.


What galactic and planetary changes are happening right now and will intensify in the near future, and what does this mean for Humanity?

A Nurturing Sanctuary for Wholeness


Ongoing support for your spiritual development


Receive all three workshops: 

Cosmic and Planetary Changes and the Impact on Your Consciousness

Elevate Your Consciousness

Connecting With Consciousness


Personalized meditation/energy transmission specifically designed for you or your loved one.

Absorb the vibrations to accelerate healing of mind/body/soul.